Annamieke engelbrecht

12 December - 16 january

‘Between Worlds: Fragments of a Cosmic Reality’ by Engelbrecht invites you to set aside preconceived notions of reality and enter a space where familiar ideas dissolve into something vast and unknowable. Through abstract forms and shifting compositions, each work draws us into a liminal space, where the finite and infinite converge, offering a sense of cosmic unity that transcends human constructs. As you explore these fragments, you are invited to contemplate not only the unseen reaches of space but also the hidden landscapes of consciousness. This exhibition communicates a personal experience with universal resonance through the language of abstraction and the dialects that are the formal elements of art.

Each artwork is a fragment of a larger whole, narrating the landscapes within and the distant strata beyond. These pieces present not a linear story but a layered experience—a vision of boundaries that define and connect us to an ever-expanding cosmos. Each piece serves as both a reflection and a revelation, guiding you along an uncharted map of the cosmos. By stepping into this space and ‘in between these worlds’, you are encouraged to lose your bearings and encounter a sense of place beyond words—a glimpse of a boundless whole that feels both distant and familiar, where discovery becomes an ongoing journey beyond the visible.



South African-born artist Annamieke Engelbrecht, delves into the profound interconnection between outer space and our daily lives on Earth. Her natural inclination towards solitude led her to explore various artistic pursuits such as painting, photography, and engaging with social media. From an early age, she was captivated by the personas people presented online and the world of internet personalities. This fascination grew stronger during her teenage years and flourished as she pursued a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts at Stellenbosch University. During her university years, Engelbrecht confronted her discomfort with being in front of the camera by embracing her introverted nature. This exploration manifested in a series of self-portraits where she employed diverse mediums such as painting, photography, and video. These works were inspired by internet personalities across a wide range of online platforms.

Currently based in her studio in Cape Town, Engelbrecht primarily works with oil paints and sculpture. What initially sparked her interest in society's online presence has evolved into a profound exploration of the interconnection between outer space and our daily lives on Earth. Her artwork revolves around the impact of internet culture and the pervasive influence of social media on our existence. Drawing inspiration from astronomy, Engelbrecht observes and analyses celestial objects and the overall structure of the universe. Through the traditional medium of oil painting, she seeks to envision the future of art, resulting in an explosion of abstract chaos.

Engelbrecht's fascination with the cosmos intensified as she observed her peers on social media navigating through traditional life milestones such as engagements, marriages, house purchases, and parenthood. As she found herself deviating from these expected paths, she felt like an extraterrestrial presence on Earth, striving to conform to human norms while feeling distinctly out of sync. By juxtaposing her personal uncertainties against the vast canvas of the universe, her work explores the realisation that our worries and societal norms are minuscule in the grand scheme of things. This realisation has brought her a deep contentment that transcends the trivial concerns of earthly existence.  The exploration of celestial objects and the structure of the universe is intricately woven into her artistic journey.


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Investec Cape Town Art Fair 2023